A smart GNSS Receiver with BT, WiFi 802.11 b/g, and optional UHF 450MHz radio. | FCC ID JUP-10950

By Trimble, Inc.

Last Updated: Nov 15, 2017 by FCC Insights

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Wireless Equipment
A smart GNSS Receiver with BT, WiFi 802.11 b/g, and optional UHF 450MHz radio.-JUP-10950-product-photos-coming-soon

Device & FCC Application Information

FCC IDJUP-10950Application PurposeOriginal Equipment
Application DateNov 15, 2017Brand Name
DescriptionA smart GNSS Receiver with BT, WiFi 802.11 b/g, and optional UHF 450MHz radio.Short Term ConfidentialityYes
TCB ScopeA4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniquesLong Term ConfidentialityYes
Test FirmBureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Inc.Short Term Confidentiality ReleasedN/A

Wireless Features

FeatureOperating FrequencySupported
Bluetooth2402 - 2480 MHz
Wi-Fi 4 (2.4 GHz)2412 - 2462 MHz
Wi-Fi 5 (5 GHz)5000 - 5850 MHz
Wi-Fi 6 (6 GHz)5925 - 7125 MHz


Here is a closer look at FCC ID: JUP-10950's supported operating frequencies and their approved power levels:

Frequency Range (MHz)Power Level (W)Equipment Class
403.0 - 406.0 MHz2.00 WDSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter
403.0 - 406.0 MHz2.00 WDSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter
403.0 - 406.0 MHz2.00 WTNB - Licensed Non-Broadcast Station Transmitter
Frequency Range in MegaHertzApproved Power Level in Watts
403 - 406 MHz2
403 - 406 MHz2
403 - 406 MHz2
403 - 406 MHz2
403 - 406 MHz2
403 - 406 MHz2
406.1 - 430 MHz2
406.1 - 430 MHz2
406.1 - 430 MHz2
406.1 - 430 MHz2
406.1 - 430 MHz2
406.1 - 430 MHz2
430 - 473 MHz2
430 - 473 MHz2
430 - 473 MHz2
430 - 473 MHz2
430 - 473 MHz2
430 - 473 MHz2
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0146
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0049
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0146
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0049
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0146
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0049
2412 - 2462 MHz0.2432
2412 - 2462 MHz0.2432
2412 - 2462 MHz0.2432

Reports & Documents


Full Grant Document

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Full Grant Document

Submitted Reports & Documents

Report Name

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Date Submitted

Date Available

Exhibit Type

Product Certification Representative Auth LetterCover Letter(s)11/15/201711/15/2017pdf
Confidentiality Request Letter (Long term)Cover Letter(s)11/15/201711/15/2017pdf
Confidentiality Request Letter (Short term)Cover Letter(s)11/15/201711/15/2017pdf

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