TETRA Portable Terminal with Bluetooth and WLAN | FCC ID XX6SC2028W

By Sepura Limited

Last Updated: Oct 19, 2021 by FCC Insights

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Wireless Equipment
TETRA Portable Terminal with Bluetooth and WLAN-XX6SC2028W-product-photos-coming-soon

Device & FCC Application Information

FCC IDXX6SC2028WApplication PurposeOriginal Equipment
Application DateOct 19, 2021Brand Name
DescriptionTETRA Portable Terminal with Bluetooth and WLANShort Term ConfidentialityNo
TCB ScopeB2: General Mobile Radio And Broadcast Services equipment in the following 47 CFR Parts 22 (non-cellular) 73, 74, 90, 95, 97, & 101 (all below 3 GHz)Long Term ConfidentialityYes
Test FirmTUV SUD LimitedShort Term Confidentiality ReleasedN/A

Wireless Features

FeatureOperating FrequencySupported
Bluetooth2402 - 2480 MHz
Wi-Fi 4 (2.4 GHz)2412 - 2462 MHz
Wi-Fi 5 (5 GHz)5000 - 5850 MHz
Wi-Fi 6 (6 GHz)5925 - 7125 MHz


Here is a closer look at FCC ID: XX6SC2028W's supported operating frequencies and their approved power levels:

Frequency Range (MHz)Power Level (W)Equipment Class
809.0 - 824.0 MHz3.00 WTNE - Licensed Non-Broadcast Transmitter Held to Ear
809.0 - 824.0 MHz3.00 WDSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter
809.0 - 824.0 MHz3.00 WDTS - Digital Transmission System
Frequency Range in MegaHertzApproved Power Level in Watts
809 - 824 MHz3
809 - 824 MHz3
809 - 824 MHz3
854 - 869 MHz3
854 - 869 MHz3
854 - 869 MHz3
2402 - 2480 MHz0.069
2402 - 2480 MHz0.069
2402 - 2480 MHz0.069
2412 - 2462 MHz0.08
2412 - 2462 MHz0.26
2412 - 2462 MHz0.21
2412 - 2462 MHz0.08
2412 - 2462 MHz0.26
2412 - 2462 MHz0.21
2412 - 2462 MHz0.08
2412 - 2462 MHz0.26
2412 - 2462 MHz0.21
2422 - 2452 MHz0.095
2422 - 2452 MHz0.095
2422 - 2452 MHz0.095

Reports & Documents


Full Grant Document

Full Grant Document

Full Grant Document

Submitted Reports & Documents

Report Name

Report Type

Date Submitted

Date Available

Exhibit Type

Port declaration letterAttestation Statements09/30/202110/19/2021pdf
External photosExternal Photos09/30/202110/19/2021pdf
Label and locationID Label/Location Info09/30/202110/19/2021pdf

Competitor Devices