By Honglink Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd.

Last Updated: Nov 3, 2021 by FCC Insights

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Device & FCC Application Information

FCC ID2A2TS2021IG830Application PurposeClass II Permissive Change
Application DateNov 3, 2021Brand Name
DescriptionLTE USB MODEMShort Term ConfidentialityNo
TCB ScopeA1: Low Power Transmitters below 1 GHz (except Spread Spectrum), Unintentional Radiators, EAS (Part 11) & Consumer ISM devicesLong Term ConfidentialityYes
Test FirmMRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Short Term Confidentiality ReleasedN/A

Wireless Features

FeatureOperating FrequencySupported
Bluetooth2402 - 2480 MHz
Wi-Fi 4 (2.4 GHz)2412 - 2462 MHz
Wi-Fi 5 (5 GHz)5000 - 5850 MHz
Wi-Fi 6 (6 GHz)5925 - 7125 MHz


Here is a closer look at FCC ID: 2A2TS2021IG830's supported operating frequencies and their approved power levels:

Frequency Range (MHz)Power Level (W)Equipment Class
617.0 - 652.0 MHzNaN WCXX - Communications Rcvr for use w/ licensed Tx and CBs
670.5 - 690.5 MHz0.15 WPCT - PCS Licensed Transmitter worn on body
670.5 - 690.5 MHz0.13 WPCT - PCS Licensed Transmitter worn on body
Frequency Range in MegaHertzApproved Power Level in Watts
617 - 652 MHzNaN
670.5 - 690.5 MHz0.1452
670.5 - 690.5 MHz0.1262
673 - 688 MHz0.1199
673 - 688 MHz0.1023
700.5 - 714.5 MHz0.1
700.5 - 714.5 MHz0.08
704 - 711 MHz0.0984
704 - 711 MHz0.0771
729 - 746 MHzNaN
746 - 756 MHzNaN
779.5 - 784.5 MHz0.1052
779.5 - 784.5 MHz0.0849
782 - 782 MHz0.1035
782 - 782 MHz0.083
815.5 - 822.5 MHz0.1084
821.5 - 821.5 MHz0.1191
821.5 - 821.5 MHz0.1052
824 - 849 MHz0.1368
829 - 844 MHz0.1393
829 - 844 MHz0.1114
859 - 869 MHzNaN
869 - 894 MHzNaN
1710 - 1755 MHz0.1117
1715 - 1750 MHz0.1033
1720 - 1745 MHz0.1219
1720 - 1745 MHz0.0975
1850 - 1910 MHz0.1211
1857.5 - 1902.5 MHz0.1361
1857.5 - 1902.5 MHz0.1062
1860 - 1900 MHz0.1225
1860 - 1900 MHz0.0951
2505 - 2565 MHz0.2655
2505 - 2565 MHz0.2128
2510 - 2560 MHz0.2559
2510 - 2560 MHz0.1941
2575 - 2615 MHz0.2594
2577.5 - 2612.5 MHz0.2148
2580 - 2610 MHz0.246
2580 - 2610 MHz0.1871

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