RTK GNSS receiver | FCC ID 2BAYERCH205

By Emlid Tech Kft.

Last Updated: Jun 29, 2023 by FCC Insights

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Device & FCC Application Information

FCC ID2BAYERCH205Application PurposeOriginal Equipment
Application DateJun 29, 2023Brand Name
DescriptionRTK GNSS receiverShort Term Confidentiality
TCB ScopeA4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniquesLong Term Confidentiality
Test FirmCentre Testing International Group Co., LtdShort Term Confidentiality ReleasedN/A

Wireless Features

FeatureOperating FrequencySupported
Bluetooth2402 - 2480 MHz
Wi-Fi 4 (2.4 GHz)2412 - 2462 MHz
Wi-Fi 5 (5 GHz)5000 - 5850 MHz
Wi-Fi 6 (6 GHz)5925 - 7125 MHz


Here is a closer look at FCC ID: 2BAYERCH205's supported operating frequencies and their approved power levels:

Frequency Range (MHz)Power Level (W)Equipment Class
699.7 - 715.3 MHz0.15 WPCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter
699.7 - 715.3 MHz0.14 WPCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter
704.0 - 711.0 MHz0.15 WPCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter
Frequency Range in MegaHertzApproved Power Level in Watts
699.7 - 715.3 MHz0.15066
699.7 - 715.3 MHz0.139
704 - 711 MHz0.14723
704 - 711 MHz0.13772
782 - 782 MHz0.13305
782 - 782 MHz0.12474
814.7 - 823.3 MHz0.20941
815.5 - 822.5 MHz0.21878
819 - 819 MHz0.19679
819 - 819 MHz0.1977
824.2 - 848.8 MHz1.38676
824.2 - 848.8 MHz0.34995
826.4 - 846.6 MHz0.17298
829 - 844 MHz0.139
829 - 844 MHz0.11885
831.5 - 841.5 MHz0.13002
831.5 - 841.5 MHz0.13459
902.9 - 927.5 MHz0.4159
1710.7 - 1754.3 MHz0.20701
1712.4 - 1752.6 MHz0.26002
1712.5 - 1777.5 MHz0.22803
1715 - 1775 MHz0.23227
1720 - 1745 MHz0.19999
1720 - 1745 MHz0.17298
1720 - 1770 MHz0.20184
1720 - 1770 MHz0.19011
1850.2 - 1909.8 MHz1.1885
1850.2 - 1909.8 MHz0.43351
1852.4 - 1907.6 MHz0.28314
1860 - 1900 MHz0.23281
1860 - 1900 MHz0.23121
2402 - 2480 MHz0.0057
2412 - 2462 MHz0.25
2502.5 - 2567.5 MHz0.20654
2510 - 2560 MHz0.19953
2510 - 2560 MHz0.18535
2545 - 2645 MHz0.22699
2545 - 2645 MHz0.20989
2580 - 2610 MHz0.19724
2580 - 2610 MHz0.20845

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