Company Profile | Cylink Corporation

Sunnyvale, California, United States

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Total FCC IDs


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Grantee Codes


YearNumber of FCC IDs Submitted
Popular Device Types & Grants

Equipment Description

Number of Devices

Maximum Output Power: 250 mW This device must be professionally installed and may not be marketed to the general public.2
RF Modem Maximum output power: 250 mW This device requires professional installation.1
Data Transmitter Maximum Output Power: 800 mw. This device must be professionally installed and cannot be marketed to to the General Public. Pt-to-Pt and Pt-to-multipoint as documented in the application for Certification.1
Maximum output power: 100mW This device must be professionally installed and may not be marketed to the general public. Operation is subject to the conditions listed in the waiver issued December 16, 1994, and extension issued June 18, 1996.1
Data modem radio Max output power 250 milliwatts This device must be professionally installed and may not marketed to the general public.1
Modem Security Device1

TCB Grant Type

Number of Devices

Cylink Corporation FCC ID Submissions

Cylink Corporation has submitted a total of 15 FCC IDs for their products. Not all of Cylink Corporation’s devices have an FCC ID. FCC ID’s are more likely to be submitted for custom designed products with built-in radio modules. Click on any of Cylink Corporation’s products below to access more detailed FCC ID information.


Product Name

Product Description

Application Date

Application Type


RF Modem Maximum output power: 250 mW This device requires professional installation.

Dec 9, 1997

Original Equipment


Data Transmitter Maximum Output Power: 800 mw. This device must be professionally installed and cannot be marketed to to the General Public. Pt-to-Pt and Pt-to-multipoint as documented in the application for Certification.

Oct 22, 1997

Original Equipment


Maximum output power: 100mW This device must be professionally installed and may not be marketed to the general public. Operation is subject to the conditions listed in the waiver issued December 16, 1994, and extension issued June 18, 1996.

Mar 19, 1997

Original Equipment


Data modem radio Max output power 250 milliwatts This device must be professionally installed and may not marketed to the general public.

Feb 6, 1997

Original Equipment


Modem Security Device

Feb 6, 1996

Original Equipment


Maximum Output Power: 100 mW This device must be professionally installed and may not be marketed to the general public.

Oct 12, 1995

Class II Permissive Change


Maximum output Power: 600 mW This device must be professionally installed and may not be marketed to the general public.

Dec 2, 1994

Original Equipment


Data Encoder

Jun 16, 1994

Original Equipment


Maximum Output Power: 60 mW. This device must be professionally installed and it may not be marketed to the general public.

Jun 8, 1994

Original Equipment


Maximum Output Power: 250 mW This device must be professionally installed and may not be marketed to the general public.

Jun 8, 1994

Class II Permissive Change

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